Saturday, October 23, 2010


It’s an amazing feeling, you know, that even after a bad news, a bad day, a bad heart break, there will always be that one person strong enough to remind me to keep moving forward - myself. 

“When God takes something from your grasp, He’s not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better”.

Slowly, but surely, I am learning to take a hold of this concept. I am growing up. More & more, I am realizing the reality - when one door closes another one opens. God took away so much from me the past few months, the past few years but I realized as well, how much he reciprocated that with bigger & better things.
Things really just happen for a reason. For sure, we hit roadbocks in the highway of life. But they are there for a sole reason. To educate us, to prepare us for the worst, to make us stronger, to shape us into a better person with better understanding of what reality is. ‘Cause in all honesty, life ain’t fucking easy. No body said it ever was, right?
Life is what you basically make it to be. If you stress over the problems too much, you will definitely overlook the things that make you happy. Therefore, you will never ever be happy. You will never appreciate what you already have in your hands. You will fail to notice the good things, since you are limited to seeing the bad things. You will never be satisfied.
If set your goals, there will always be roadblocks.  I have them, just as much as everyone does. But these pieces of shits don’t have to stop you. Yes, they slow you down but that process is to remind you to keep going, to keep trying. If you run into a brick wall, don’t turn around and let go. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.

-Thanks Carmela, 2009

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