

Sempena sambutan kemerdekaan malaysia ke-53 ini pelbagai acara menarik dan berinformasi disediakan. Laman web khusus berkaitan kemerdekaan malaysia juga telah diwujudkan di www.malaysiamerdeka. untuk menerangkan segala informasi, sajarah dan latarbelakang mengenai hari kebangsaan atau hari kemerdekaan negara kita ini.

Melalui laman web khusus tersebut banyak maklumat yang boleh diperolehi, pada masa yang sama ruangan interaktif seperti ucapan salam merdeka, muat turun wall paper, maklumbalas, pertanyaan dan komen serta buku tamu turut disediakan di lama berkenaan. Pelawat juga boleh muat turun mp3 lagu dan lirik lagu 1malaysia.

Tema hari kemerdekaan 2010 ini adalah "1 MALAYSIA MENJANA TRANSFORMASI" . Satu tema yang cukup luas dan besar pengertiannya kepada semua rakyat negara ini. Tema hari kemerdekaan 2010 tersebut memberikan gambaran bahasa dengan penyatuan dan semangat cintakan negara pastinya mampu mengubah negara ke arah yang lebih baik. Salah satu dari tema hari kemerdekaan yang menarik.

Dan untuk pertama kalinya juga seluruh negara kita akan menyambut perayaan hari malaysia pada 16 September nanti yang akan diadakan di Padang Merdeka, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Sumber: Ideas, Think, Share



Isnin - Persiapan untuk majlis berbuka puasa kat pejabat awal2 dah di siapkan. Ini adalah kali pertama aku berbuka puasa kat pejabat ni setelah hampir 4 tahun aku ditukarkan ke sini. Teringat waktu aku masih di pejabat-pejabat yang lama. Majlis berbuka puasa di pejabat menjadi satu kemestian. Di awal Ramadhan lagi dah dibincangkan majlis ini bila nak diadakan. Memang seronok bila berbuka puasa ngan kawan-kawan tapi yang tak seronoknya tu tak adalah pula sembahyang berjemaah baik waktu Maghrib atau pun Isya. Selesai je makan ada yang langsung angkat kaki, pulang.

Juadah berbuka puasa pula memang banyak....tak larat nak habiskan. Biasalah....bila membeli masa perut kosong, rasanya semua nak  diborong masa di Bazar Ramadhan. Bila dah berbuka dengan sebiji buah tamar dan minum air sirap segelas.....alahai perut terasa penuh tapi nafsu melihat makanan yang lazat-lazat terhidang tak dapat dikawal. Ambil sedikit mee hoon goreng dengan kari ayam dan tambah lagi dengan acar rampai. Masa tengah makan aku terpandang pula sate kat pinggan kawan yang duduk di sebelah. Hemmmmm.....aku minta sate dia secucuk dan makan lagi......sampai tak larat! Teringat aku bila berbuka kat rumah....bila dah time macam ni aku dah berhenti dan naik ke atas untuk sembahyang Maghrib.

Monday, August 30, 2010



"Semenjak Nabi Adam terkeluar dari Syurga akibat tipu daya iblis, beliau menangis selama 300 tahun. Nabi Adam tidak mengangkat kepalanya ke langit kerana terlampau malu kepada Allah SWT. Beliau sujud di atas gunung selama 100 tahun. Kemudian beliau menangis lagi sehingga air matanya mengalir di jurang Serantip. Dan air mata Nabi Adam itu Allah tumbuhkan pokok kayu manis dan pokok cengkih. Beberapa ekor burung telah meminum air mata beliau. Burung-burung itu berkata, "Sedap sungguh air ini."

Nabi Adam terdengar kata-kata burung itu. Beliau menyangka burung itu sengaja mengejeknya kerana perbuatan derhakanya kepada Allah. Ini membuatkan Nabi Adam semakin hebat menangis. Akhirnya Allah telah menyampaikan wahyu yang bermaksud, "Hai Adam, sesungguhnya Aku belum pernah menciptakan air minum yang lebih lazat dari air mata taubatmu."

Begitulah rasa berdosa dan bersalah kepada Allah telah menyebabkan Nabi Adam menangis selama beratus tahun lamanya. Sehingga kemudiannya Allah telah menerima taubatnya dan menjadikan air yang lazat, pohon cengkih dan kayu manis daripada air mata taubatnya itu."

Bagaimana pula dengan kita. Pernahkah kita menangis apabila terbuat dosa? Sesungguhnya airmata taubat dari seseorang manusia itu boleh menyelamatkannya dari bakaran api Neraka.


Your Red represents steely will

Your White represents clean and kind character

Yellow of the Sovereign, the country's protector

Blue for all of us in unity

You have reached the heights of the world

You have traveled the wide waters

Bearing the spirit of Merdeka ('independence')

We are members of its successful will

Fourteen stripes across

For each of the states of Malaysia

One voice, one spirit

So its sovereign citizens solemnly swear

Jalur Gemilang, beneath your care

Jalur Gemilang, we unite

Sovereign unity

Malaysian citizens' good charity

Jalur Gemilang, how proud we feel

Jalur Gemilang, proclaim our vision

Red, white, blue, yellow

Are the stripes of our resolve

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Cubalah perhatikan cahaya bulan di kegelapan malam dan cubalah renungi hikmah yang tersembunyi di balik itu. Allah menciptakan cahaya bulan tidak seterang cahaya matahari agar nampak perbezaan antara siang dan malam. Sebab jika sama terangnya, maka akan luputlah hikmah pergantian siang dan malam yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Mengetahui. Cubalah perhatikan hikmah yang Allah ciptakan pada bintang-bintang yang bertaburan di langit dan keajaiban penciptaannya. Bintang-bintang itu menghiasi gelapnya malam sehingga menambah keindahan langit di malam hari dan seperti sebuah kompas bagi manusia dalam menentukan arah jalan yang tidak ia ketahui di darat dan di lautan. Maha Suci Allah yang telah menciptakan segala sesuatu dengan sebaik-baiknya.

"Sesungguhnya Tuhan kamu ialah Allah yang telah menciptakan langit dan bumi dalam enam masa, lalu Dia bersemayam di atas ‘Arsy. Dia menutupkan malam kepada siang yang mengikutinya dengan cepat, dan (diciptakan-Nya pula) matahari, bulan dan bintang-bintang (masing-masing) tunduk kepada perintah-Nya. Ingatlah, menciptakan dan memerintah hanyalah hak Allah. Maha Suci Allah, Tuhan semesta alam". (QS. Al-A’raf:54 )

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Esok Ahad hari cuti dan mungkin esok nak mula buat biskut. Rasanya esok aku nak buat biskut makmur dan Almond London. Gambar-gambar biskut kat atas tu adalah gambar biskut yang dibuat pada tahun lalu. Mungkin esok kalau nak buat makmur tak dapat lagi buat makmur yang berbentul oval macam dalam gambar tu sebab tak cukup tangan. Terpaksa buat bulat-bulat macam bentuk asalnya....hehehehe. Tahun lalu Liza ada membantu tapi nampaknya tahun ni dia dah sibuk sebab dah bekerja. Dia pun sibuk juga nak mengemas rumah dan buat biskut untuk dia dan keluarganya.  Nampaknya kali ni Ayu saja yang di harap dapat membantu. Walau bagaimanapun, syukur alhamdulilah ada juga anak buah yang rajin membantu walaupun setiap dua tiga biji makmur dia berhenti untuk membalas atau membaca mesej kat handfon dia...... 
Hehehehe....Ayu, esok tumpukan perhatian ya......


 During the battle of Khaybar which took place between the Muslims and Jews, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) and his Companions (Allah be pleased with them all) besieged the fort of Khaybar wherein the Jews were residing. A poor Shepherd who was working for his Jewish master had already heard about the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace), and upon seeing the Muslim army, thought that it was a good opportunity to inquire about Islam.

He came out of the fort with the goats and sheep he was looking after and asked the whereabouts of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace). Upon being directed towards the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace), he inquired about the basic teachings of Islam, and then said: “What will my status be if I accept Islam?” The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) replied: “I will embrace you, you will become my brother and enjoy the same rights as other Muslims.”

He said: “I am very poor and in a bad state. I am totally black and have bad odour coming from my body and cloths. How will you embrace me if I am in such a condition?” The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) replied: “I shall embrace you, for all of Allah’s servants are equal in His sight.” He said: “If I embrace Islam, what will my fate be?” The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “I bear witness that if you accept Islam, Allah will change the darkness of your body to light, and the bad odour to good fragrance.” These words of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) had their effect on his heart, thus he embraced Islam.

After entering into the fold of Islam, he asked the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) what he was obliged to do? The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said that they were at the moment in the midst of war, thus the obligation at this moment and time was to participate in Jihad. However, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said to him: "The first and foremost thing you need to do is return these animals to its Jewish owner and then engage in Jihad."

These animals belonged to a Jew who was in the opposing army, but the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) ordered him to go back and return them. The reason being, that he had taken these goats and sheep on a trust, and it is necessary by Shariah to return the belongings taken on trust back to its owner.

Thereafter, he participated in the holy battle (jihad) and was amongst the martyrs. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) recognised his body, thus addressed his Companions that I see with my own eyes that he has been given a bath in the sacred water of paradise, and Allah has changed his darkness to shining white and his bad foul smell to refreshing fragrance


There was a Jew of Damascus who was reading a holy book one day when he came across the name of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) written in it. Not liking this, he removed the name. But the next day he found it there again. Again he took out the name; but on the third day it had appeared again. He thought: "Perhaps this is a sign that a true Emissary has come. I will journey southwards to Madinah."

And he forthwith started out, not tarrying until he reached the city of the Prophet. When he arrived there, knowing nobody, he was near the Mosque of the Prophet when the Sahabi Anas (ra) arrived. He said to Anas: "Friend, take me to the Prophet."

Anas (ra) led him into the mosque, which was full of people in anguish. Abu Bakr (ra) the successor was sitting there at the head of the assembly. The old man went up to him, thinking he must be Muhammad, and said: "O Chosen Envoy of God, a strayed old man has come to offer you peace." Hearing the title of the Prophet used, everyone present burst into a flood of tears. The stranger was uncertain as to what to do. He said: "I am a foreigner and a Jew, and I am unaware of the rites of the Faith of Submission to the Will of Allah. Have I said something untoward? Should I have remained silent? Or is this a ritual observance? Why do you cry? If it is a ceremony, I have never heard of it."

Omar (ra) said to him: "We do not weep because of anything which you have done. But you must hear, unfortunate one, that it is a but a week since the Prophet left the earth. When we heard his name, grief took possession of our hearts anew."

As soon as he heard this, he tore his clothes in anguish. When he had recovered a little, he said: "Do me one favour. Let me have at least a robe of the Prophet. If I cannot see him, at least let me have this."

Omar (ra) answered: "Only Fatima (ra) could give us one of his robes." Ali (ra) said: "But she will not allow anyone to go near her." But they went to her door and knocked, and explained what they wanted.

Fatima (ra) answered: "Verily, the Prophet spoke truly when he said, shortly before he died: 'A wayfarer, who has love towards me and who is a good man, will come to the house. He will not see me. Give him, therefore, this patchwork robe as if from me, and for me treat him gently, offering salutations.'"

The Jew put the robe on himself and, professing Islam, asked to be taken to the Prophet's grave. It was at this place that he breathed his last.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Never blame a day in your life,
good days give happiness,
bad days give experiences,
worst days give lessons,
best days give memories,
everyday i give you my du'as.........

@ yh


Peristiwa nuzul al-Quran menjadi satu rakaman sejarah dalam kehidupan Nabi SAW hingga seterusnya berperingkat-peringkat menjadi lengkap sebagaimana kitab al-Quran yang ada pada kita hari ini. Peristiwa Nuzul al-Quran berlaku pada malam Jumaat, 17 Ramadan, tahun ke-41 daripada keputeraan Nabi Muhamad SAW. Perkataan ‘Nuzul’ bererti turun atau berpindah dari atas ke bawah. Bila disebut bahawa al-Quran adalah mukjizat terbesar Nabi SAW maka ianya memberi makna terlalu besar kepada umat Islam terutamanya yang serius memikirkan rahsia al-Quran.

‘Al-Quran’ bererti bacaan atau himpunan. Di dalamnya terhimpun ayat yang menjelaskan pelbagai perkara meliputi soal tauhid, ibadat, jinayat, muamalat, sains, teknologi dan sebagainya. Kalimah al-Quran, sering dicantumkan dengan rangkai kata ‘al-Quran mukjizat akhir zaman’ atau ‘al-Quran yang mempunyai mukjizat’. Malah inilah sebenarnya kelebihan al-Quran tidak ada satu perkara pun yang dicuaikan atau tertinggal di dalam al-Quran. Dengan lain perkataan segalanya terdapat di dalam al-Quran. Firman Allah:

Dan tidak seekor pun binatang yang melata di bumi, dan tidak seekor pun burung yang terbang dengan kedua sayapnya, melainkan mereka umat-umat seperti kamu. Tiada Kami tinggalkan sesuatu pun di dalam kitab Al-Quran ini; kemudian mereka semuanya akan dihimpunkan kepada Tuhan mereka (untuk dihisab dan menerima balasan). (Al-An’am:38)

al-Quran adalah hidayah, rahmat, syifa, nur, furqan dan pemberi penjelasan bagi manusia.. Segala isi kandungan al-Quran itu benar. Al-Quran juga dikenali sebagai Al-Nur bererti cahaya yang menerangi, al-Furqan bererti yang dapat membezakan di antara yang hak dan batil dan al-Zikr pula bermaksud yang memberi peringatan.

Dalam sejarah kehidupan Nabi SAW ayat al-Quran yang mula-mula diturunkan Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW melalui perantaraan malaikat Jibrail ialah lima ayat pertama daripada surah Al-‘Alaq. maksudnya:

”Bacalah (wahai Muhammad) dengan nama Tuhan mu yang menciptakan (sekalian makhluk), Ia menciptakan manusia dari sebuku darah beku; Bacalah, dan Tuhan mu Yang Maha Pemurah, -Yang mengajar manusia melalui pena dan tulisan, -Ia mengajarkan manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya.” (al-‘alaq:1-5)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Someone taught you how to love,
and probably didn't know it,
and in return, with every day
it's now you're turn to show it.
When you love, you give a gift
and when you're gone it stays,
to be passed on by the ones you love,
to make someone else's day.
So remember someone who loved you,
and show how much you care,
by sharing all the love they gave,
with people everywhere.
When you give away your love,
that doesn't mean it's gone.
Love will last forever,
so open up your heart
. . . and pass it on.

you dont love a woman
because she is beautiful
she is beautiful because
you love her..........


As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken more than once, and it's harder every time. You will break hearts too so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You will fight with your best friend. You will blame a new love for things an old love did. You will cry because time is passing by too fast and eventually you will lose someone you love. So take too many pictures and laugh like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you won't get back. Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid it will never begin…….


Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya : “Sedekah yang paling utama adalah sedekah pada bulan Ramadhan”. (Riwayat At-Tarmizi)

Setiap umat Islam seharusnya berlumba-lumba untuk melakukan kebajikan di bulan Ramadhan tanpa memikirkan sebarang kerugian seperti memperbanyakkan bersedekah kerana balasan di atas setiap satu kebajikan itu adalah amat besar di sisi Allah di hari akhirat kelak. Bersedekah bukan hanya memberikan wang, tetapi seperti menyediakan makanan untuk berbuka kepada fakir miskin dan orang-orang yang berpuasa.

Konsep memberi (bersedekah) harus diterapkan secara maksimum bukan sahaja selama bulan Ramadhan malahan di bulan-bulan lain juga kerana amalan bersedekah akan memberikan pengaruh yang baik pada peribadi dan masyarakat umumnya di mana seseorang itu akan dapat menghakis sifat kedekut dalam dirinya di samping mengeratkan lagi ikatan kemesraan di dalam anggota masyarakat tanpa mengira taraf dan kedudukan seseorang itu. Sedekah yang diterima dan bernilai di sisi Allah adalah sedekah yang ikhlas, bukanlah untuk menunjuk-nunjuk.

Ya Allah
aku tak layak untuk ke syurgaMu
namun ku tak sanggup untuk ke nerakaMU
terimalah taubat ku
dan ampunkan segala dosa-dosa ku
sesungguhnya ENGKAU maha pengampun segala dosa-dosa.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Though I cannot swim, I will try to take a few big dives in the deep and vast ocean of knowledge present inside the Qur'an inorder to search for some precious pearls and share them with you someday, Almighty willing.



If my love is attached to Thee

Then from sin I will be free

Each time my heart will beat

Your name will resound with heat

With your name shivers my each limb

They seek to be released from whim

Allah, Allah, is my hearts speech

Your Mercy is what I beseech

The Most Merciful keep me content

With all that You have sent

Keep in my heart Your remembrance

And in Your deen and love allow me to advance

Help me in my quest

Permit me to pass the ultimate test

Save me from the clutches of Satan

Give me death upon Imaan.

Everyone says that love hurts but that is not true.Loneliness hurts,rejection hurts,losing someone hurts,envy hurts.Everyone gets these feelings confused with love,but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and make someone feel wonderful again.~Voice of love.

Allah likes three things in people

To spend the strgenth in the way Allah with money and life

To weep the sin with repentance

To be patience at starvation

Tuesday, August 24, 2010



Come, listen, sit close to me.

I would have loved so much to tell you stories. To make you forget or to remind you. Stories of women and men who are searching, who are wounded, who are lost. Who find their quest.

I’m asking you, come sit down.

Look in the distance, in my direction. Over there, far away. Do you see the sun ? Could you guess the rain of its rays offering up so much warmth without ever drying up the tears ? Teach me. Teach me to teach you .

I am asking you.

Don’t say anything. You don’t need to say anything. Say to me. Your silence, your glance, your light. Is it true ? He speaks to you ? Do you hear Him ? Do you see His signs ? Do you understand them ? Always ? You see, my questions speak for you. I like your answers. I like your presence. You speak of me to Him, don’t you ? You pray ? For me ?
Come close, please.

I am learning, you know. Appearances can be misleading. Really. Really, really ! Do you remember the hermit who came back to the source of his quest ? Am I already on my way ? Are you on my road ? Tell you have a way, a path, a road, a track ? Do you hear me ?

There, come very very close.

You are a gift. So beautiful a gift. A sign. On my path. Look over there, look at me. Are we two ? We are two, we are to God. I told you a story; I spoke to you about the sun, of its warmth. I spoke to you about love. I am learning. It is difficult. You are there, I like your presence. Please, look over there, in the distance.

Come close, listen to me.

I love you.

Don’t ever forget!


How do you walk away from someone you love
And take the road of friend;
Can you reroute the course you have taken
And start over once again?
I don't really want to let you go
But inside me I know I must;
The times we've loved . . . the times you've left
My heart says stay . . . but it's my mind I must trust.
We have shared so much together
Laughter . . . fun times . . . tears;
Yet sometimes we can't turn back time
We must walk away, and allow ourselves to heal.
I know one day you will be happy
And your soulmate you will find;
I know we each have one out there
Even if for now . . . only in our minds
May life be gentle with you
May God's best come your way;
And on some quiet tomorrow
You will realize things were better this way.


“Umar, are you sleeping ?” he asked through a whispered murmur.
“No !” I answered.
The day had been long and relentless. It was already so late. I was getting ready to sleep, mindful that the day ahead wouldn’t be any less arduous. Twenty or thirty minutes passed by in silence.
"Umar, are you sleeping ?”
“No !” I answered a second time.
It became quiet once again. I didn’t grasp the urgency in his voice but remained silent anyway. Half an hour passed by again.
“Umar, are you sleeping ?”
This time, I didn’t respond at all. I pretended to sleep so as not to bother him. Waiting for a reply and hearing none, he presumed that I had finally fallen asleep. He arose in the still of the night, without making a sound, alone, beside his companion whom he thought was in a deep slumber, and started to perform the night prayer. For God only, oblivious to my attentive gaze, hidden from anyone’s sight.

It is Ustadh Umar Al-Tilmisani, an old time student and travelling companion of Imam Hasan Al-Banna who provides us with this story. The attitude of his master was enough to move him to tears. It exemplified the personality of Hasan Al-Banna: light-giving faith, a deep spirituality, personal discipline, gentle and soft with his fellow human beings. Umar al-Tilmisani wrote it and said it again and again, as I had heard stories of this kind from my father, Dr. Saïd Ramadan, his son-in-law and my mother, Wafa al-Bannâ, his eldest daughter.

The secret of Hasan Al-Banna was the quality of his faith and the intensity of his relationship with God. Anyone who had ever been in contact with him perceived and experienced this. He lived as had the first Sahaba - following the path of the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of God be upon him).
From the age of twelve, his destiny had been mapped out through the study and dhikr circles of the Husafiya tariqa. There he learnt the importance of being with God, of remembering him with all his heart and soul, permanently. He also learnt the true criteria to success: faith, humility, effort and personal discipline. Within the core of his education, he had a very deep understanding of jihad al-nafs: to exist for God, alongside God, to reform one’s heart, purify one’s intentions, make time for the Most High before wanting to act in His name. The Sufi masters of the Husafiya tariqa were very strict in this regard - they were always concerned to never deviate from the authentic traditions of ahl al-sunna wal-jama’ah and keeping away from heterodoxy. All that really counted for them were the written references of the Qur’an, the Sunnah, the example of the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of God be upon him), and of the devoted companions (may God be pleased with them). Hasan Al-Banna never forgot this teaching and his entire allegiance to the cause was founded on the same fundamental principles: the Qu’ran is our book, the Sunnah our wisdom, and it is only these basic principles which will awaken our conscience, nurture our heart and intensify our dhikr.

Some years later, Hasan Al-Banna would make a meticulous compilation of all the written texts, uniquely taken from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, which had a spiritual virtue, particularly when it came to the exercise of purifying the heart, of dhikr and meditation. This compilation, otherwise known as Risalat al-Ma’thurat, was the core of spiritual education for all members of the Muslim Brotherhood. They were asked to read it, memorize it if possible, and recite it with fervour and concentration twice a day, morning and evening. At a very young age, and especially during the years of intense Islamic activity in the social and economic spheres, Hasan Al-Banna had understood that there was no future for Muslims if they did not recapture what was essential to their hearts, their personal striving, their conscience and memory.

The world is a trap and it sometimes happens that temptation can, in subtle ways, assail those who are engaged in Islamic activities such as da’wah, education, solidarity and lectures. Drowning in Islamic commitments, activities and projects, what eventually happens is that they forget what is absolutely essential: to give one’s time to be with God, to get to know Him while being intimately attached to tawhid, to remember him (dhikr), to purify one’s heart (tazkiya al-nafs), to feed the conscience of these works (al-muhasaba), to be attached to the Qur’an, to pray, to fast and to do the invocations. This is necessary every day, and in the night.
Al-Ma’thurat is comprised of texts from the Qur’an and the Sunnah which are essential on many levels. Each one of them is strong and precise, with a spiritual function as were the hadith of the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of God be upon him). Their daily reading guides Muslims and protects them. It involves discipline and fortitude, attention and awakening, faith which illuminates and a conscience which directs everyday practice and action. In this light, Risalat al-Ma’thurat is a teaching, and we understand that Imam Hasan Al-Banna was a mentor (murabbi) who started by fortifying one’s faith and dhikr in order to guide one’s intelligence. This is the spirit of any understanding (al-fahm), which became the first fundamental principle of all of his teachings (al-ta’alim).

Few lines... to give you the possibility to get to know a man, Hasan A-Banna, concerning whom there have been many rumours and lies. He was a man who surrendered and sacrificed his life for God. Those who heard him, changed. Those who accompanied him, loved him. Those who remember him are still moved. Assassinated and taken back by God at the age of forty-two, he left a teaching and a methodology which is simple and luminous: if you want to be loved by God, follow His Prophet (may the peace and blessings of God be upon him), and if God loves you and protects you.......hen have no fear!

God is with those who persevere and who are patient.

Real friends are those that allow us to be ourselves,
be comfortable,
be stupid,
make mistakes.........
and still not be judged.
They are a mirror to our true selves
and we can't fathom a life
without them by our side.

To realize the value of a sister

Ask someone who doesn't have one.

To realize the value of ten years:

Ask a newly divorced couple.

To realize the value of four years:

Ask a graduate.

To realize the value of one year:

Ask a student who Has failed a final exam...

To realize the value of one month:

Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week:

Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of one hour:

Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of one minute:

Ask a person who has missed the train, bus, or plane.

To realize the value of one-second:

Ask a person who has survived an accident.

To realize the value of one millisecond:

Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Time waits for no one.

Treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend:

Lose one

The world is three days:
As for yesterday it has vanished, Along with all that was in it.
As for tomorrow, you may never see it.
As for today, it is yours, so work in it. 
Thank you ALLAH

Monday, August 23, 2010

A wise man can learn from
 another man’s exprience
but a fool
cannot learn even from his own.

Always look on the
bright side
 even when the darkness
is all around you.

" Life isn’t always black and white.
It’s overcast, foggy,
and all kinds of grey.
Get used to it."

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Many people fast as a ritual, without truly understanding its meaning. Others reduce it to a simple exercise in empathy with the poor. While this is a beautiful consequence of fasting, it is not the main purpose defined by Allah. Allah says in the Qur’an:

“Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain taqwa (God-consciousness).” (Qur’an, 2:183)

By controlling and restraining our physical needs, we gain strength for the greater battle: controlling and restraining our nafs (our soul’s desire). When fasting, every hunger pang reminds us of God—the one for whom we have made this sacrifice. By constantly remembering Allah and sacrificing for Him, we are made more aware of His presence, and in that way we increase our taqwa (fear and consciousness of Him). The same thing that prevents us from the sin of sneaking in food while no one else is watching trains us to avoid other sins while no one else is watching. That is taqwa.


VIVAnews - Sekitar 13,8 juta orang terkena dampak banjir besar di Pakistan.
Dalam skala bencana, jumlah itu menunjukkan bahwa bencana banjir lebih menghancurkan dibanding tsunami 2004.

"Sejauh ini, 13,8 juta orang terkena dampak banjir di Pakistan," kata Maurizio Giuliano, juru bicara kantor Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa untuk Koordinasi Urusan Kemanusiaan (OCHA), seperti dikutip dari laman Straits Times, Senin, 9 Agustus 2010.

"Bencana ini lebih buruk dibanding tsunami, gempa bumi 2005 di Pakistan, dan gempa bumi Haiti," kata Giuliano. Giuliano menjelaskan bahwa gempa bumi Pakistan pada 2005 berdampak pada lebih dari tiga juta orang. Sedangkan tsunami berdampak pada sekitar lima juta orang, dan gempa Haiti berdampak pada sekitar tiga juta orang.

Dalam peristiwa banjir di Pakistan, PBB memperkirakan lebih dari 1.600 orang tewas di seluruh kawasan yang terkena banjir di Pakistan. "Jutaan orang menderita, dan hujan masih terus turun. Dikhawatirkan jumlah korban akan terus bertambah," kata Perdana Menteri Pakistan, Yousuf Raza Gilani, saat berkunjung ke provinsi Sindh pada Minggu kemarin. "Saya meminta dunia internasional membantu kami. Kami akan berupaya sebisa kami, tapi peristiwa ini di luar kemampuan pemerintah," kata Gilani.

Tanah longsor yang menyertai banjir juga menyebabkan sebagian besar wilayah Lembah Swat di Pakistan terisolasi dan menyulitkan upaya untuk membantu 15 juta orang yang menjadi korban banjir terburuk di Pakistan dalam beberapa puluh tahun terakhir. Banjir menyebabkan jalan dan jembatan rusak. Sedangkan hujan lebat membuat helikopter sulit beroperasi.

Just kneel down on your knees

or bow down on your elbows

before Allah kareem

when life gets too hard for you to stand.

The one who is not thankful for

a small blessing cannot be thankful

even for a mountain of gold

Saturday, August 21, 2010

No matter how high bird's fly...
they always keep their eyes on earth,
but what makes a man walk upon it
with pride and arrogance?
Dosen't he know that
he will be swallowed
and crushed by it one day?

~ Hamid.


(Oleh Jasni Bin Yusoff pada 21 Ramadhan 1429H)

Di dalam risalah tentang I’tikaf pada bulan Ramadhan, ada disebut tentang kesungguhan Rasulullah S.A.W

beribadat dan beri’tikaf di masjit pada 10 hari terakhir di dalam bulan Ramadhan. Sedangkan keadaan

sebegini tidak pernah dilakukan baginda pada bulan yang lain. Di antara tujuannya ialah untuk mendapat

peluang beribadah di malam Al’Qadr yang berlaku pada 10 malam terakhir Ramadhan.

Di dalam sahih Bukhari dan Sahih Muslim dari Aisyah r.a.:

Maksudnya: Adalah Nabi S.A.W apabila masuknya sepuluh malam terakhir bulan Ramadhan

Baginda menghidupkan waktu malam dengan beribadat, membangunkan ahli keluarganya (untuk

turut beribadat) dan menguatkan ikatan kainnya.

Riwayat Bukhari (1920) Muslim (1174)

Maksud kuatkan ikatan kain ialah bersedia dengan sepenuh kesungguhan. Atau ianya membawa

maksud mengasingkan diri dari isteri. Manakala maksud menghidupkan malam hari ialah menjadi

sebahagian besar malam dengan beraneka bentuk ibadat seperti solat, tilawah Qur’an dan zikir Aisyah r.a.

ada memberitahu bahawa Rasulullah S.aW hanya membaca Qur’an semuanya sekali, menghidupkan malam

hari dengan ibadat dan berpuasa penuh sebulan pada bulan Ramadhan sahaja. Sunan Nasa’i (1641).

“Membangunkan ahli keluarga” membawa maksud Rasulullah S.A.W mengerakkan isteri-isterinya

untuk sama qiamullai. Di bulan yang lain selain Ramadhan, Rasulullah S.A.W juga mengerakkan isteriisterinya

cuma untuk separuh atau sedikit daripada waktu malam. Kalaulah begini contoh yang telah

ditinggalkan oleh Rasulullah S.A.W kepada kita, makan alangkah ruginya mana-mana pasangan suami isteri

yang tidak ikut bersama menghidupkan malam hari dengan beribadah kepada Allah. Apatah lagi apabila kita

berada di sepuluh malam terakhir dari bulan Ramadhan. Rasulullah S.A.W ada bersabda melalui hadith

riwayat Abi Hurairah r.a.:

Maksudnya: Allah merahmati seorang lelaki yang bangun di waktu malam, dia sembahyang dan

mengejutkan isterinya. Sekiranya isterinya enggan (tidak mahu bangun) dia merenjis air dimuka


Allah juga merahmati seorang isteri yang bangun di waktu malam, dia sembahyang dan

mengejutkan suaminya. Seandainya seuaminya enggan (tidak mahu bangun) dia merenjiskan air di

muka suaminya.

Riwayat Abu Daud ( )

Di dalam sahih Bukhari ada di sebut bahawa satu malam (pada bulan Ramadhan) Rasulullah S.A.W

terjaga dari tidur dan berkata: ‘Maha Suci Allah Apa yang telah turun malam ini dari fitnah (ujian)! Apa

yang telah turun dari segala khazanah! Siapakah yang akan mengejutkan orang-orang yang masih di dalam

bilik (isteri-isterinya yang masih tidur)! Wahai berapa ramai yang berpakaian di dunia sedangkan dia

bertelanjang di akhirat” Riwayat Bukhari (1074).
Here is some reality for all of us

The truth is - people change. Good people turn bad, just as bad people turn good. Just because someone’s being is tainted with a bad past, does not necessarily mean they can never change. We change, every single day. People lie, people cheat, people make bad decisions at least more than enough in their lives. We are all imperfect. We are all sinners. And personally, I have so much respect for people who try very hard to be better, for themselves & for the people they love. So for those who has a that ‘once a ___, always a ____’ mentality, please don’t deprive them them the hope to become better individuals by the negativity & discouragement. ‘Cause at the end of the day, none of us are even good enough to throw stones around here.

tHaNkS Carmela
31 OGOS, 2010




Tawau Waterfront

I never set foot here.....what a shame!

When you think you are not happy with your life,
always think that someone is happy,
simply because you exist.
Just think of happy things and your heart will fly on wings.
Fill your head with happy thoughts
and your heart with fragrance of faith.


Orang yang dahaga tidak akan dapat mernghilangkan dahaganya sekiranya dia hanya terus berjalan di tepian sungai sehingga dia meminum air daripadanya.


bagaimana seseorang itu mendapat manfaat dari Al-Quran seandainya dia hanya terus membaca dan mendengar tanpa mengamalkan ajaran-ajaran yang terkandung di dalamnya.